比赛场次 352
比赛名称 20161215
比赛状态 已结束比赛成绩
开始时间 2016-12-16 19:00:00
结束时间 2016-12-16 22:00:00
开放分组 全部用户
题目名称 奔跑
输入输出 stampede.in/out
时间限制 1000 ms (1 s)
内存限制 256 MiB
测试点数 15 简单对比
用户 结果 时间 内存 得分
GravatarKZNS AAWWWWWWWWWWWWW 0.726 s 1.64 MiB 13
Gravatariortheir AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 0.194 s 1.08 MiB 6
Gravatarkxxy AWTWWTTTTTTTTTT 12.319 s 1.19 MiB 6


★★★   输入文件:stampede.in   输出文件:stampede.out   简单对比
时间限制:1 s   内存限制:256 MiB




从上面看,每头奶牛被表示为一个单位长度的线段,其左上角点的坐标时间t = 0。例如,(-3,6)将表示一只牛,在时间t = 0时,






输入的第一行包含N,以下有N行,分别用三个整数x y r,描述了一头奶牛,对应于奶牛在时间t = 0时,她的左端点是在(x,y),移动1单位距离的速度是r单位时间。x的取值的范围是-1000..-1,y的取值范围是1..1000000(明显每头奶牛会防止任何可能的碰撞),r值的范围在1..1000000。


一个整数,FJ在整个比赛可以看到的(T = 0起)奶牛数量。


-2 1 3
-3 2 3
-5 100 1






Farmer John's N cows (1 <= N <= 50,000) appear to be stampeding along the road at the front of FJ's farm, but they are actually just running in a foot race to see which cow is the fastest. Viewed from above, each cow is represented by a unit-length horizontal line segment, specified by the coordinates of its left corner point at time t=0. For example, (-3,6) would specify a cow who at time t=0 is represented by the segment from (-3,6) to (-2,6). Each cow is moving to the right (in the +x direction) at a certain rate, specified by the integer amount of time it takes her to move 1 unit to the right. FJ is not particularly thrilled that his cows are outside running instead of in the barn producing milk. He plans to admonish them with a stern lecture after the race ends. In order to determine which of his cows are participating in the race, FJ situates himself at (0,0) and looks along a ray extending in the +y direction. As the race unfolds, FJ sees a cow if she is ever the first cow visible along this ray. That is, a cow might not be visible if another cow is "in front" of her during the entire time she crosses FJ's line of sight. Please compute the number of cows FJ can see during the entire race.

