题目名称 2401. Time is Money
输入输出 timeismoney.in/out
难度等级 ★★★☆
时间限制 2000 ms (2 s)
内存限制 64 MiB
测试数据 20
题目来源 GravatarTenderRun 于2016-07-25加入
开放分组 全部用户
通过:4, 提交:19, 通过率:21.05%
Gravatardzyo 100 1.733 s 0.26 MiB C++
GravatarTenderRun 100 2.339 s 0.62 MiB C++
GravatarAwson 100 2.707 s 0.46 MiB C++
Gravatarimh 100 2.908 s 0.54 MiB C++
GravatarAAAAAAAAAA 90 4.705 s 0.43 MiB C++
Gravatar%dalao% 90 4.857 s 2.60 MiB C++
Gravatarniconicoqaq 90 4.990 s 0.77 MiB C++
Gravatar%dalao% 90 5.083 s 3.37 MiB C++
Gravatardzyo 65 2.665 s 0.21 MiB C++
Gravatardzyo 65 2.720 s 0.23 MiB C++
关于 Time is Money 的近10条评论(全部评论)
读不懂题的,这个就是最小乘积生成树的模板题,和HNOI2014 frame类似,那道题我也上传了
2016-07-26 09:14 1楼

2401. Time is Money

★★★☆   输入文件:timeismoney.in   输出文件:timeismoney.out   简单对比
时间限制:2 s   内存限制:64 MiB

timeismoney 100 points

Source code: timeismoney.c, timeismoney.cpp, timeismoney.pas

Input file: timeismoney.in

Output file: timeismoney.out

Time limit: 2 seconds

Memory limit: 64 MB

The NetLine company wants to offer broadband internet to N towns. For this, it suffices to construct

a network of N-1 broadband links between the towns, with the property that a message can travel

from any town to any other town on this network. NetLine has already identified all pairs of towns

between which a direct link can be constructed. For each such possible link, they know the cost and

the time it would take to construct the link.

The company is interested in minimizing both the total amount of time (links are built one at a time)

and the total amount of money spent to build the entire network. Since they couldn’t decide among

the two criteria, they decided to use the following formula to evaluate the value of a network:

SumTime = sum of times spent to construct the chosen links

SumMoney = sum of the money spent to construct the chosen links

V = SumTime * SumMoney


Find a list of N-1 links to build, which minimizes the value V.

Description of input

The first line of input contains integers N – the number of towns and M – the number of pairs of

towns which can be connected. The towns are numbered starting from 0 to N-1. Each of the next M

lines contain four integers x, y, t and c – meaning town x can be connected to town y in time t and

with cost c.

Description of output

In the first line of output print two numbers: the total time (SumTime) and total money (Sum-

Money) used in the optimal solution (the one with minimal value V), separated by one space. The

next N-1 lines describe the links to be constructed. Each line contains a pair of numbers (x,y) describing

a link to be build (which must be among the possible links described in the input file). The

pairs can be printed out in any order. When multiple solutions exist, you may print any of them.

· 1 ≤ N ≤ 200

· 1 ≤ M ≤ 10 000

· 0 ≤ x,y ≤ N-1

· 1 ≤ t,c ≤ 255

· One test has M = N - 1

· 40% of the tests will have for each possible link t = c


timeismoney.in timeismoney.out

5 7

0 1 161 79

0 2 161 15

0 3 13 153

1 4 142 183

2 4 236 80

3 4 40 241

2 1 65 92

279 501

2 1

0 3

0 2

3 4
