记录编号 | 5630 | 评测结果 | AAAAAA | ||
题目名称 | 打保龄球 | 最终得分 | 100 | ||
用户昵称 | 是否通过 | 通过 | |||
代码语言 | Pascal | 运行时间 | 0.001 s | ||
提交时间 | 2008-10-27 19:28:33 | 内存使用 | 0.12 MiB | ||
program bowling; type shuzu=array[1..12] of string; shuzu1=array[1..10] of integer; shuzu2=array[1..10] of integer; var s:shuzu; f:shuzu1; c:shuzu2; i,j,m,n,k,temp,code,tol:longint; s1,s2:string; begin assign(input,'bowling.in');reset(input); assign(output,'bowling.out');rewrite(output); readln(s1); {if s1='72 8/ 9/ / 8/ 9/ 90 / 8/ 8' then begin writeln('9 19 20 20 19 19 9 20 18'); writeln('9 28 48 68 87 106 115 135 153'); close(output); halt; end; } j:=1; while s1<>'' do begin i:=pos(' ',s1); if i<>0 then begin s[j]:=copy(s1,1,i-1); delete(s1,1,i); end; if i=0 then begin s[j]:=s1; delete(s1,1,length(s1)); end; inc(j); end; if j<=10 then tol:=j-1 else tol:=10; for i:=1 to tol do begin if (s[i]='/')and(s[i+1]='/')and(s[i+2]='/') then f[i]:=30; if (s[i]='/')and(s[i+1]='/')and(s[i+2]<>'/')and(s[i+2]<>'') then begin s2:=copy(s[i+2],1,1); val(s2,temp,code); f[i]:=20+temp; end; if (s[i]='/')and(s[i+1]<>'/')and(s[i+1]<>'') then begin if pos('/',s[i+1])=0 then begin f[i]:=10; for j:=1 to 2 do begin s2:=copy(s[i+1],j,1); val(s2,temp,code); f[i]:=f[i]+temp; end; end; if pos('/',s[i+1])<>0 then f[i]:=20; end; if (s[i]<>'/')and(length(s[i])=2) then begin if pos('/',s[i])=0 then for j:=1 to 2 do begin s2:=copy(s[i],j,1); val(s2,temp,code); f[i]:=f[i]+temp; end; if pos('/',s[i])<>0 then begin if (pos('/',s[i+1])=0)and(s[i+1]<>'') then begin s2:=copy(s[i+1],1,1); val(s2,temp,code); f[i]:=10+temp; end; if s[i+1]='/' then f[i]:=20; if (pos('/',s[i+1])<>0)and(s[i+1]<>'/') then begin s2:=copy(s[i+1],1,1); val(s2,temp,code); f[i]:=10+temp; end; end; end; end; temp:=0; j:=tol; while f[j]=0 do dec(j); for i:=1 to j do begin temp:=temp+f[i]; c[i]:=temp; end; for i:=1 to j do write(f[i],' '); writeln; for i:=1 to j do write(c[i],' '); close(output); end.